Friday 23 December 2011

opps severly neglected blog!

OK I have been very slack with updating my blog, and my new aim is to update every day with what we are eating.
We are nearly 2 months into this lifestyle and loving how I feel every day. My husband is also enjoying how he is feeling, and really notices it if he even has something small, ie like a small amount of hot chips with a meal, or a soft drink. My boys are sleeping better and are in much better moods all the time.
I am not weighing often, and might start doing weekly next year, but not sure, as this is more about health for me, and I don't want to get into that midset where I obsess about food and numbers like I used to. I am in a great headspace right now and don't want to ruin that.
A couple of weeks ago though I went to the naturopath and she used fancy scales to measure my body fat, muscle mass etc. I have a good amount of muscle, and according to the calculations they use which take into account the muscle, I need to lose 13 kg to be in a "normal" weight range. Much less weight than I was originally aiming for, but ill get there first, and then see how I feel. I know I will never be in the 50s or even maybe the 60s, I want muscle and don't want to be skinny. I want to be healthy and have a good shape and ill know once I am there :D

Am back at my old gym, and back to lifting heavy. I was thinking of getting back into classes and going crazy for a while for a boost to my weight loss, but I know thats stupid, and I am glad I came to my senses :D

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